Friday, July 3, 2015

Miscellaneous July Musings

Last Friday (okay--not July yet) I realized that I was putting on make-up to go to the dog park. (I did the same yesterday.) I wear make-up more often than not, but not usually on a day that consists of going to the gym, cleaning and going to the dog park. But dog park Fridays are more like cocktail parties. They could end up with us going out to dinner, so I figured make-up was in order.

This week Thursday seemed like a Friday because Friday was the official 4th of July holiday. Eight of us met at the dog park yesterday because Norwalk's fireworks were tonight.

July will be a busy month for me. I'm teaching a three-hour class each weekday morning for the next three weeks. I have tutoring obligations for Monday and Friday afternoons, possibly Wednesdays, and docent training obligations for Tuesdays and Thursdays. When I mentioned how busy this could be for me, my mother snarked that I would just be like people with a normal job. Okay she has a point, but she didn't take into account all the prep and travel time. Plus it's annoying to hear this from a woman who hasn't had to work in 40 years, and has no idea of today's job market.

Some great lines from the first few episodes of "Orange is the New Black":

"Nice is for cowards and democrats," says Red.

"That's why you women end up in prison because you suck at crime," says corrupt guard whose name I don't remember.

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