Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Apple Pancakes

I noticed a brand new can of Stonewall Kitchen pancake and waffle mix in the kitchen cabinet yesterday and decided to make pancakes with apple (our last remaining fresh fruit.)

I got out the mix, almond milk, egg, butter, apple and syrups (maple, ginger, and blueberry.) For a moment, I wondered if I really wanted pancakes or if I was procrastinating on my kitchen cleaning.

If it was procrastination, it wasn't a good idea. I was actually making the kitchen messier. Besides, it wasn't like the cleaning elves were about to make an appearance. As for Jeff, he was working on a project of his own and was going grocery shopping--I couldn't expect him to take over the kitchen cleanup. I was stuck no matter how long I procrastinated.

To paraphrase Freud, sometimes apple pancakes are just apple pancakes.

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