Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Catching Up

I didn't expect to wait nine days since my last post. I had actually started another post immediately after the I published the last. 

Why haven't I been posting? It's partially a case of avoidance, partially a case of being preoccupied with Jeff's recovery plus my own health. We had neglected getting regular checkups and are working with some new doctors, researching insurance coverage, etc. 

I've had some writing block issues. I had two weeks for my latest class assignment. The theme was paths crossed using two characters from our previous two assignments. I wasn't crazy about my characters (one was based on me) they just weren't all that interesting. Writing the new story was a slog. 

I also need to talk about the mundane: habit. I got out of the habit of posting. Previously, I've compared blogging to working out at the gym. It can be hard to get started, and sometimes the process is frustrating, but it feels so good when it's over. There's a sense of accomplishment. 

I mentioned a snow hangover in an earlier post. We didn't get rid of that snow before we got another six inches (or thereabouts) last Thursday and Friday. It was flurrying when I got up on Saturday--I felt as if the meteorologists had betrayed me. They told me the snow had finally ended on Friday. On Monday we got additional snow/sleet/rain. It didn't amount to much in terms of measurement, but it was demoralizing. The older I get, the more I hate snow and its aftermath of slippery surfaces and slush. There were days when even Lola didn't want to go out. 

I'm stressed: a perfect storm of concern about Jeff, added responsibilities while Jeff is recovering, depressing winter weather, illness (I had a bad cold last week--the worst in years) plus Covid isolation and the usual day-to-day to-dos.

I know what I need to do. I've got to get better organized about my to-dos, so they don't overwhelm me. When I stop to think about it, I really don't have things that bad. I'm actually pretty privileged. 

I need to talk to friends more often. I may not be able to see people in person safely, but we can talk. 

Finally I need to create. I need to write more for my class and otherwise. I need to work on collages and art journals. I took a gelli plate workshop last month but haven't done anything since then. It's true that the layout of our condo is not conducive to making art, but I just have to make due. 

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