Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What Went Wrong?

Jeff's got a short term gig in New York City. He gets up at 5:30 and heads to the railroad station around 6:30. I told him the other day that his NYC gig was a good influence by getting me out of bed early. Some mornings I've been very happy with all that I can accomplish by 9 or 10 AM.

But I haven't been getting enough sleep. Yesterday it caught up with me. I was tired all day. It didn't help that I spent the midday driving my mother back and forth to the doctor's (about two-and-a-half hours and 67 miles.) I hadn't been to the gym in four days and my lower back ached. By the time I got home, my stomach was off and I was chilled.

A short nap helped, but I didn't feel back to normal--I felt sluggish and fuzzy. I managed to sort laundry and cook dinner.  I got into bed around 10, confident a good-night's sleep would turn things around for me. No such luck; I was awake for several wee hours of the morning. Need to turn this around.

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