Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy Blogiversary to me

One year (and a day) ago I wrote my first post.

In this 145th post, I am still answering the question I raised then, Why a Blog?

For one thing, I enjoy blogging. I get satisfaction of seeing some of my thoughts and my work preserved (for lack of a better word.)

Blogging has helped me to write more consistently although I haven't reached my goal of writing daily. Sometimes I question if I should try to post daily. I don't want to post drivel but if I wait for profound insights, I'll never write.

Last November my goal was to post every day. I missed Thanksgiving, but managed 33 posts. I found if I don't give myself a blogging goal, I tend to forget exactly how much writing I'm doing--more precisely I underestimate the time between posts.

April was a bad blogging month for me; the first half of May was only slightly better. On May 17, I resolved to post daily for the rest of the month to get to some kind of acceptable blogging average. That will also make May my biggest blogging month of 2011.

Today I start my second year of blogging with the goal of posting more...even if no one else is out there reading.

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