Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meanderings and Musings

Today was the third of five predicted rainy days. Downpours gave way to misty rainfall; it was almost 12:30 before I got Spike out for a long walk. We took a different turn off one of our usual routes and walked down two blocks where we haven't been for a long time.

I gazed at the homes we passed and thought about what it would be like to live there. Would it be difficult to park? I wondered about the costs of roof repair and replacement. I placed myself onto porches and into back yards. Then I imagined myself into a small garage/tool shed that I had converted to an artist's/writer's studio.

I looked at a Cape Cod with a real estate sign in front. The house was painted a pale turquoise with pink shutters. Its shutters were carved with something like heart shapes; other areas decorated with shell designs. Although I had seen the house many times before, it suddenly occurred to me how feminine it looked. I wondered about a man living there and imagined one angry at the feminization of his home.

A little later, I saw a bumper sticker: Republicans Democrats Same Shit Different Piles.

During our evening walk around the block, the wind picked up enough to blow off my beagle baseball cap. The weather felt more like early April than mid-May, but the greenery belied that. It was bracing and I hoped that the rain would at least get rid of some of the pollen that was plaguing us.

I smiled when I saw a large patch of lily-of-the-valley in front of Prospect Gardens. When I saw the sidewalk covered with maple keys http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple I remembered how we used split them open and stick them across the bridges of our noses.

I had gone to the gym for the first time in six weeks this morning. I felt good because I could feel muscle strength in my legs and I felt virtuous for finally getting back for a workout. If only I could keep that up.

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