Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Mysterious Yellow Trails of Bradley Park

Jeff, Lola, and I often walk at Cranbury Park. Lola loves to walk on the yellow trail. Since we usually enter by the ADA Trail or the right-hand turn off the dog entry path, we walk from one end of the trails to another when we take the yellow trail. It takes about an hour-and-a-quarter to an hour-and-a- half. It's a nice walk when we have enough time, the weather is decent, and the trail isn't too muddy.

Bradley Park has has a yellow trail--actually it has four unconnected yellow trails. I don't get it. Did the blazers run out of color?

The first time I took a yellow trail, it led to the perimeter of the park close to the main entrance, but there was no exit from there. Another trail led to Old Farm Road. Lola and I took that trail today and then returned to the orange trail (the main trail.) We started down a second yellow trail but it led to an area that was too muddy for my liking, so we returned again to the orange trail. I promised Lola we'd try that second yellow trail again when it dries out.

Maybe someday we'll solve the mysteries of the yellow trails.

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