Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Visit to Sherwood Island

On Monday, Jeff, Lola, and I headed to Sherwood Island. I-95 North was packed with slow-moving cars, so we bagged that idea and went to Taylor Farm.

Yesterday Lola and I made it. Sherwood Island is one of my favorite places to go after a snowstorm. Its roads are always plowed and walkways clear of snow. That's not as much of a problem after the few inches of snow we had last week, but it's tough after a big snowstorm.

At one point, Lola stopped on a sheet of ice. I thought she was nervous and tried to help her get across the ice to where I was standing. No, she just wanted to go in the other direction; the ice didn't faze her. As we walked along, I noticed a deer to the left of us. It ran off with a second deer. Then I realized there were another three deer to the right of us. I think they were all female deer--I didn't see any antlers. They seemed cool with us though eventually moved away.

Sherwood Island is a state park of 235 acres. There are lots of new areas for us to explore. Lola and I continued down a side road until we reached an area that wasn't open to the public. I would have liked to go further but obeyed the signs. I saw a building that could have been a garage and then maybe a house. We walked by what looked like a graveyard for Christmas trees. They smelled wonderful.

For the most part, I'm enjoying our walks even this winter. We just have to stay bundled up against the cold and especially the wind. Recently heard on the radio that winter is one-third over. I notice the days getting longer. Hoping for an early spring.

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