Thursday, April 18, 2013

The World Was New, Beneath a Blue Umbrella Sky

This morning as Spike and I circled the block, this lyric from Summer Wind kept repeating in my head. The world just seemed so vivid. The forsythia was a brighter yellow; the sky a purer blue; the birdsong clearer. It was one of the most pleasurable morning walks of the year.

Summer Wind reminds me of my father. I seem to remember it as one of his favorite Frank Sinatra songs, but I'm not sure. I remember him singing Summer Wind. I also remember Martin Prince from The Simpsons singing it. My father sang it more often.

I've been thinking a lot about my father lately.  The 9th was the third anniversary of his death. Jeff remembered the date but thought it was the date my stepfather died. (He died almost a year earlier on the 19th.)

I wasn't focused on the date of his death, but still thinking about him. Mostly, I miss our conversations about music and baseball.

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