Friday, April 26, 2013

Veronica Mars Re-Watch: Season One Episode Nineteen

Hot Dogs

Veronica helps a classmate Mandy find her missing dog. In the process, she discovers people are dog napping dogs from the 09 zip code for large rewards. Leo helps Veronica bust the racket even after she tells him she can't date him anymore.

The Echolls family dysfunction continues.Trina's producer boyfriend beats her up when she can't pay back a loan. Logan plans to return the favor but Aaron beats him to it (literally) after revealing that his father abused his mother and him. Veronica and Logan kiss again and decide to keep their "relationship" to themselves.

Duncan is still missing and Celeste thinks Veronica knows something.  Weevil is arrested in Lilly's bedroom, retrieving a secret message pen.

After witnessing Celeste confront Veronica, Keith sends off samples for DNA testing.

I enjoy this mystery of the week because...dogs and happy endings. Mandy's reunion with her dog Chester is touching. I also like the developments of Logan and Veronica and Keith and genetic testing. The Weevil break-in is also interesting even though Keith cleared him of suspicion in Lilly's murder.

Only three more episodes in Season One.

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