Sunday, January 10, 2021


I woke up at 3 AM this morning. At first I assumed the need to use the bathroom woke me. But something was wrong--there was a weird noise. Jeff heard it too. We soon discovered water was leaking in our closet from the unit above ours. I dressed and went upstairs and banged on the door. No answer. I called our management company, got the answering service. Our property manager called me back at 3:20. He suggested I try the neighbor again, and he would try to contact our super. I literally pounded on our neighbor's door for four minutes. Then I visited the unit owner who lives under us to warn her. She also heard the water. I went back to our place and Jeff had placed several trash cans, pots, and a plastic tub to catch water from numerous leaks. One leak was directly over my pillow. 

A little later the super showed. The neighbor did not respond to his knocking or a phone call. The super told us he would be back the next morning, with a locksmith if necessary. Most of the dripping had stopped by this time--it was about 4-4:30. I knew I couldn't go back to sleep even if I had a dry pillow, so I stayed up. At least Jeff managed to doze off a few times. 

I had planned to go to the opening reception of the Student Art Show at Rowayton Arts Center today, but I felt like a zombie. I didn't think I could handle normal conversations. I'll check out the show later this week. 

Instead I washed pillows, changed the bed, and did some clean up, including drying the wet part of the carpet with a hair dryer. This situation is very frustrating: this is the third time in about a year that the neighbor's negligence has caused water leaks in our unit. We just had the painter here the week before Christmas. 

As an added bonus, Lola threw up. 

Tomorrow will be a better day.

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