Friday, January 27, 2023

Musings about Mornings

As I get older, I am becoming even more of a morning person. It's 6 AM as I write this and I've been up for a half hour and awake for a about an hour. I couldn't go back to sleep. I'm sitting thinking about what I could/should be doing and staring at an empty screen thinking about the short story I need to write for Monday's class. What happened to the ideas that were swirling in my head the other day?

Jace is more of a morning dog than Spike and Lola were. When we first got him, I would get up as soon as I heard him stirring around 6. Soon I realized that I didn't have to get up that early. We have settled into a routine where we usually walk around 8. I should push today's time up a little because I have to take Jeff to physical therapy at 9. Jace is out of bed but sleeping on the living room couch. 

Jeff and I have been lucky because none of our three dogs have been the kind to wake us up at the crack of dawn to go out. Many times Spike and Lola would stay in bed hours after I had gotten up. I appreciate Jace's flexibility.

During the week of January 9th, I tracked my hours a la Laura Vanderkam. Looking at the 21 hours between 6 and 9 that week, I can account for 15.75 hours. 5.5 hours sleeping, 2.5 hours showering and dressing, 2.75 hours walking Jace, 1 hour cleaning, 1.5 hours breakfast and coffee, 1 hour games, 1 hour writing, .5 hours driving to doctor's. It's a little confusing because some time slots (in 15 minute increments) are listed in two or even three categories, such as coffee or breakfast and time on the computer. My time on games is underreported. 

I usually get up between 6 and 7. At least that's how I remember it. Looking at the week of the 9th, it looks like I could have had 5.5 hours of writing time. Worth a try. 

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