Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Week Before

I woke up around 4 yesterday morning thinking it was Saturday. Luckily, I soon realized my mistake. I've been wishing that we'd get another day before we leave for North Carolina, and in a weird way, I did.

As usual, I didn't get all that I wanted to do done. Had a few obstacles this week. On Saturday, a portion of the ceiling in our master bedroom collapsed. Oddly enough, one of my neighbors had a similar problem, but it was in her bathroom. Another bathtub leak created problems in our lobby. At any rate workers came to repair all the damage. They patched up the ceiling Thursday and painted it yesterday.

On Tuesday, we had a full day of freezing rain. I only left the condo to take Lola out. The next day, my car was encased in ice. As I worked on the car, ice slid off it in sheets. Some fell into my trunk (I had opened it to get my ice scraper and brush.) Ice also fell around my car and made the ground slippery. I started to dump some ice on the small grassy divider between parking spaces, but I realized the ice would slide back in my spot. I ended up filling a large grocery bag with ice and dumping it into my bathtub. This kind of day is another reason to move south.

The rest of the week has been cold. I remembered that Sherwood Island is always paved and well-tended after storms. Lola and I have gone for long walks there the past few days. It's going to be a little warmer today and hit the 40's tomorrow when we leave for North Carolina.

I have a tutoring session later today and need to finish packing. Jeff and I are getting take-out for dinner to make it a little easier. Hope to get on the road by 8 AM tomorrow.

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