Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The End of Indian Summer and What's On Deck

We've enjoyed a week of beautiful Indian Summer weather, with temperatures ranging from the mid 60's to the mid 70's. Today is still warm, but rainy. For the next few weeks, temperatures will range from the mid-40's through the mid-50's. 

I can't complain about these temps in November, but I will miss the balmy weather. 

In the past week, I've met a friend at Calf Pasture Beach, met others at the dog park and Sedona Tap House for its charity steak dinner. Jeff and I took several walks with Lola: around the neighborhood, Taylor Farm, Sherwood Island, and the Norwalk River Valley Trail (NRVT.)

A few houses in the neighborhood that favored plastic blow-up Halloween decorations now have giant blow-up turkeys in their yards. Another house jumpstarted its Christmas decor--way too early for me. 

Jeff and I are planning to spend our holidays alone this year. This will be the second consecutive year having Thanksgiving alone. The previous year I had bronchitis and had to stay home. We are checking out places to get pre-cooked meals. We've found two that sound good. 

I guess we'll bring out the Christmas decorations Thanksgiving weekend (or the week after.) We didn't decorate at all last year because we went down to North Carolina.

This will be the first Christmas ever with just the two of us. (Sorry Lola, there will be three of us.) For many years we spent time with both sides of the family. Sometimes we traveled to South Carolina and Georgia. I regret we didn't make it down to spend a Christmas with my father in Florida. We haven't started to talk about Christmas yet. We still need to figure that out. 

I have three more writing classes this session. Then we're off until sometime in January. My mixed media and collage class has four more sessions, but that will be it. The instructor will be teaching a silk painting class and that's beyond my skills.

I need to find a way to keep writing and doing collages. 

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