Thursday, November 2, 2023


I had been thinking about doing NaNoWriMo this year. I was hesitating; I realize that I was afraid. But of what? I had failed before (failed NaNo twice before) I could fail again. It wouldn't be that big of a deal.

I signed up on Halloween night. Officially NaNoWriMo starts at 12:01 on November 1st. I stayed up and watched The Wolf Man and then started writing at the official time. I wrote until 12:48 (though I may have dozed off a time or two) and wrote 277 words. As I went to bed, I realized that what I had written was useless. It was a recap of what I had read about Sylvanus Merwin. It wouldn't work in a novel. I decided instead that I should start the story with a dialog between Sylvanus and his wife Flora. So, I did the next morning--I wrote 476 words. Then I got up to walk Jace, go to the gym, etc.

Later I realized that I had to help Jeff with a complicated government form, and between that and all of my other chores, etc. I didn't get back to writing. (Still haven't.)

It's still early in the month, so there's hope for me. For now, I need to go to bed and get some rest. 

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