Thursday, September 5, 2013

When It's Not Working Anymore

Sometimes you realize that something isn't working for you anymore, but you continue to do it anyway.

It may be a habit; it may be comfortable; it may be that you don't know what else to do; it may be that you're just lazy.

That's the way I've been about my journaling.

My journaling started as morning-pages. Then it evolved into this leisurely combination of writing, drinking coffee, watching TV, checking email. I realized that there was something wrong with this process. A friend once told me that journaling would keep me from real writing. Another said I had outgrown morning pages.

I disagreed;  I still clung to morning pages. They center me. If I don't do them, I feel that something's missing. But still...

Yesterday, I read this which led me to this. Something in the combination of these articles hit me and helped me make a change. Today, I still did my morning pages. First thing. In a room by myself without distractions. Without coffee. I finished them in 10 minutes and went on with my day.

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