Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A year ago today...

Superstorm Sandy struck: a winter storm-hurricane combination, unlike any storm seen before. As I wrote before, we were lucky. We didn't even lose power.

My biggest problem was when I had to go to a student's house a few days later. Fallen trees blocked some roads. The alternate route my student suggested took me twenty minutes out of the way. I also made a wrong turn. Part of my route home (in the dark) included a road without power to its streetlights. A driver stuck at an intersection suddenly pulled out in front of me. I screeched to a halt, barely missing him. It was scary.

But ultimately, a near-miss accident is nothing.

Sandy caused 285 fatalities and damages estimated at over $68 billion. In the US alone, it affected 24 states. While we were able to quickly put Sandy behind us, many others have not. Damn, there are many who haven't been able to put Katrina behind them.

I appreciate how lucky and blessed that we are.

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