Thursday, October 17, 2013

Birthday Musings

Today is my father's birthday; he would have been 89.

My father died three-and-a-half years ago. I don't miss him on a daily basis anymore, but I do miss talking to him about baseball (who would he be rooting for this year?) music, and family trips and events. He always had a good memory and I'd love to compare notes with him about memoir pieces/essays that I want to write.

My father was dealing with health problems for about the last ten years of his life. I remember after a tough year, Jeff and I and two of my cousins went to Key West with him to celebrate his 80th birthday. He was always chatting up or making friends with people we'd meet in restaurants and bars. On our first two nights in Key West, new friends gave him cakes to celebrate his birthday. I thought his official birthday dinner at Martha's Steak and Seafood was a letdown. The food was good, but he had only his family to celebrate. He didn't have the opportunity to make any new friends that night.  

I got my love of singing and my skill at trivia from my father .

Jeff and I just toasted him tonight.

Happy Birthday Dad.

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