Wednesday, September 30, 2015

More on Time and Laura Vanderkam

It would be an exaggeration to say that I'm obsessed with Laura Vandkerkam: but I keep a time log as she suggests, I get a weekly Time Tip email from her, and I like her blog so much that I am reading it backwards from her first post.

I have a book of time management tips, a book on time shifting, a book on motivation, and a copy of seven habits of effective people (not quoted because I'm not sure of the exact title--I never got around to reading it.) That doesn't include numerous magazine articles I've read over the years.

I don't know if Laura speaks to me more than the other authors, if I'm more receptive now or a combination of both.

I've been trying to work on several areas to make my life better. One example is that I'm more mindful about how much fruit and vegetables I buy. I got sick of throwing out spoiled fruits and veggies. I'm now buying fewer of each fruit, and fewer types of vegetables despite how good the selections at the farmers markets look.

I'm going to the gym more consistently and also doing more exercise at home. I'm not achieving my goal of exercising 30 minutes each day, but I've always known that was a reach.

Our condo is cleaner than it has often been in a while. I still have books and papers piled on the coffee table and love seat; I still have major cleaning/organizing projects to complete, but things are looking up.

I'll never be the person who schedules herself down to the minute. I don't want to be that person. But I like being more productive and efficient. That's good. 

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