Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Teaching Trials and Tribulations

I had a bad day today.  At first I got discombobulated by a change in room assignment for my SAT class. Several students wandered in late, and they sat in different seats than yesterday. There are 19 students. While I had learned most of their names, I was a bit confused. I asked them to give me their names again.

The class runs Monday through Thursdays afternoons with one Saturday morning test. Most people in the class speak softly even though I told them I was having trouble hearing them. They don't seem all that interested in the material. I'm not sure if they're tired or bored. I messed up explaining a few problems. As I said, a bad day.


I'm also teaching a weekend class--Saturday and Sunday afternoons through September 7th with a break for Labor Day weekend. This class has only four students, and two didn't show for the first class. I hope all will show for the second class this Saturday.

Then there's tutoring. I've been able to schedule my active tutoring students around the classes without too much trouble. Some days, however, the logistics get challenging.

And so it goes.

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