Friday, May 28, 2021

What's Been Happening

For the past three weeks, we've been dealing with household problems, specifically a leak in our bathroom ceiling. I don't want to write much about it, but it was frustrating: we had to fight with our management company to get the problem resolved. The ceiling was finally repaired this week.

Jeff's back at physical therapy, which was postponed because of issues with his insurance. I've been taking care of my own health to-do's (one item left.)

I mentioned that I've transitioned out of a job. I've been purging work-related books and papers. I'm not quite finished with the process; I had accumulated a lot of material. I've also purged my mother's old financial records. I have to take them to get shredded. 

I've been thinking about my food shopping habits and expenses. The pandemic has changed the way I shop. I'm also at least trying to be more frugal. This week for the first time I bought frozen vegetables. I wasn't crazy about some of the combos available. I got broccoli florets and a combination of greens. I had my most expensive shopping trip in a while because I stocked up on chicken and other things I needed for specific planned meals, as well as paper and cleaning products. 

I'm back in a cooking mode. I tried a new recipe with lentils, sweet potatoes, and spinach that we liked (though it was too watery and had even used one fewer cup of broth than the recipe indicated.) Today, I made a batch of bison chili. I'm also planning to make a carrot ginger soup. 

Bad news for Lola. Yesterday she was running across a field to Jeff, yelped, and stopped short. At first I thought she had stepped on a thorn or something. Unfortunately, it was more serious--a cruciate ligament. She's on pain pills and is moving slowly. Our poor baby. 

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