Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Check-In

Last weekend I made a list of goals and things-to-do. Then I took the short term items and made a to-do list for this week. I categorized the longer term goals: health, writing, other creative, professional, finances, miscellaneous.

I'm doing best with my health goals because they are the most SMART goals. I'm not drinking (until Valentine's Day); I've exercised 27 days in January and I'm back into a gym routine. My goal to eat more vegetarian? Well, I haven't made the goal specific enough to measure, but at least I'm more aware of my diet and the need to make some changes.

Onto my writing goals. I've been writing my morning pages daily and I've been fairly active on this blog. I will submit a poem this week and research a place for another. Six of my writing goals are fairly specific, but I am still struggling with the most important one. Do I set a time or word goal and should it be daily, weekly or monthly based?

I still have 11 months to try to figure this all out.

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