Thursday, August 30, 2012

True Blood: Season Five Finale

I've watched True Blood the finale twice and still don't know what to make of it.

Let's start at the beginning. Russell has drained the elder faery and seems on the verge of destroying all the rest, until the cavalry arrives in the person of Eric. It seems out of the blue, a deus ex machina, but later it's said that Sookie summoned him. It  just seemed so easy. I've read theories on TWoP that Russell had to be high for Eric to stake him, but I wish that had been mentioned somewhere on the show.

I'm confused about Jason's vampire-hatred. Yes, he's heard that vampires killed his parents, but he has also allied himself with vampires in the past. Has he forgotten his relationship with Jessica? Has he been poisoned by the faery blast meant for Russell?

Sam was clearly my favorite of the episode. He willingly sacrificed himself to Bill to attempt to (unsuccessfully) reason with him. Later he flew into Roslyn's mouth where he shifted. My reaction: awesome (literally.) Before he did that, Luna shifted from Steve Newlin back to herself. This may be the exposure of shifters to the world.

Tara and Pam? Too much too soon. Remember how they hated each other? In True Blood time that was just a few weeks ago. I saw how they were getting closer and appreciating each other, but I only saw Jessica's question to indicate that they could be a couple.

Overall, the idea of the Authority worked better than the actual execution. The build-up was too slow and the payoff too rushed. I was thrilled to see Russell again but thought his death wasn't what it could have been. I wasn't crazy about seeing Reverend Steve again but his new vampire grew on me.

The birth of "Billith" (credit to a TWoP poster) and the search for Warlo give me something that I want to watch next season.

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