Saturday, August 6, 2022

Stocking Up

I mentioned recently that I sometimes stress about what to make for dinner. This has been a recent stressor, and I don't understand why I feel this way. Recent heat waves have made the dinner decision even harder--who wants to turn on the oven? Even using the stovetop heats up the kitchen.

I've been taking advantage of several farmers markets and loving fresh corn, tomatoes, and fruits. I've also bought some other food: Bongo & Capacci ravioli and cavatelli and Mama Hu's sushi bakes--I bought four today. (I won't mention the things I tried that we didn't like.) 

Last week I stocked up on our favorite crab cakes, buying 15 at Bon Ton Fish Market. I also picked up chicken, ground turkey, and ground buffalo at ShopRite. I even got some frozen mandarin orange chicken from Trader Joe's. Jeff's on a low-sodium diet so I can't buy most frozen entrees, but this chicken is fairly low in sodium. It's nice to have an easy option if I'm tired or busy or if it's too hot. 

I like having options. 


  1. I've never heard of a sushi bake before, so I will keep an eye peeled for Mama Hu at the New Canaan and/or Rowayton farmers markets. Good tip!!

  2. The spicy salmon is awesome. Wasn't crazy about the California roll.
