Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Anniversary Fat Cat!

On Thanksgiving Day, I got an email from Fat Cat inviting us to join them from 1 to 4:20 today for jazz. Today was the its tenth anniversary.

I had a class to teach, followed by a tutoring appointment scheduled to end at 3:30. Jeff walked over to Fat Cat and I planned to meet him about 4. I figured at least I'd hear about 20 minutes plus of music.

Unfortunately, I ran into heavy traffic going from my class to my tutorial. It took me an extra 15 minutes. After the session, my student's father talked to me for about 10 minutes about scheduling. I had had to leave immediately after our first session, and didn't want to rush off again.

Luckily there wasn't much traffic on my return trip, and the band played beyond 4:20.  I got to hear two songs. We had a health pizza, one of the specials. Once Jeff learned it had lots of garlic, he ordered it. Delicious. A nice way to celebrate an anniversary.

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