Sunday, November 24, 2013

Random Sunday Thoughts

It's the coldest day of the season. Yet, winter is almost a month away.

Winter is Coming.

House Stark, will you recover? I heard that the original title of the last volume of A Song of Ice and Fire was supposed to be A Time for Wolves. Starks survive!

As I was driving back home today, I heard a story about trust in news sources. It said that Walter Cronkite was perhaps the most trusted man in America--"Uncle Walter." In this Kennedy-heavy news cycle, the program included Cronkite's reporting of the Nixon resignation.

My brother used to call me "A Walter Cronkite groupie."

One of the most interesting Kennedy articles I read recently is from the New York Times. It discusses the interruption of As the World Turns with the news of Kennedy's shooting.

We watched our second UVM basketball game versus Duke. We weren't expecting much because Duke. But it was an exciting game. The Catamounts came within seconds of a huge upset, losing 91-90. Kurt had seven points.

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