Friday, December 23, 2016

More Music Memories

At Taylor Farm the other day, Lola bounded up a trail of mud, leaves, snow and ice. I kept telling her to slow down.

That reminded me of this song. Then I remembered a business trip to Portland. Oregon. Jeff and I went early to explore the city. Our friend, Patti, was living there then. One night we met her at a club. As the band played Slow Down, Patti and I started singing the song through. I don't know about Patti, but I hadn't heard the song in years. I love when I can just bring up lyrics, seemingly out of the blue. (Wish I could monetize this skill.)

Further back in my memory: I was a high school freshman, rushing from my last class to my locker. My friend Karen told me to slow down. We looked at each other and started singing.

I'm lucky that I had friends who wanted to sing with me and knew the lyrics.

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