Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus Conundrum

When I first heard of coronavirus last month, I wasn't worried. It was a world away. That has all changed.

Last week, several events I planned to attend were postponed or canceled including my writing class. Area SAT's scheduled for March 14th were canceled. Area libraries were closed.

On Saturday, Jeff and I went to a local distillery to get a free vodka tasting by wearing green. We were the only people there; later another couple showed and sat at the opposite end of the bar. We went to parks and did a little shopping.

As of Sunday, New Canaan (a neighboring town) decided to close gyms and limit restaurants to take-out and delivery. On Monday, all of Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey enacted these rules.  I learned about the planned closures on the news when I was driving home from the store. I came home, changed, and went to the gym for a full workout.

I talked to a friend in an assisted living facility; she can't even leave her room. Her meals are brought to her, and someone promised to get cat food for her. She's planning to do a lot of knitting.

Schools are closed indefinitely. More SAT's (March make-ups and the May test) and the April ACT have been canceled. I attended an online tutoring meeting today. We are banned from in-person tutoring until at least May 10th. My students will probably wait for in-person meetings based on their situations.

I've recently heard that it's possible the virus is spreading more rapidly from asymptomatic people than originally thought. I'm also in the age group that may be more susceptible to coronavirus. I'll be spending a lot more time at home than I thought even a few days ago. I have plenty to do: a lot of boring household chores and the like. I can also work on more creative things such as writing and art journals. I can still take Lola to a park or trail every day. That's good for both of us.

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