Friday, June 28, 2013

George W. Bush, Painting and Creativity

A few months ago, I heard or read that former President George W. Bush had taken up painting. I think that's cool. It's only the second time I had a positive reaction to anything Bush said or did. (For the record, I also like that he was into baseball.)

It bothered me to hear someone (I think it was Jon Stewart) mocking him for choosing painting instead of the more worthy avocations of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. I prefer him painting than mucking around in politics again.

I recently came across this article from Utne Reader which sums it up beautifully. All of us, even George W. Bush, can be creative. It's the process that's important--the process is good for us. Julia Cameron has said you have to be willing to be bad to do your art (badly paraphrased but the gist is correct.) Even if you don't get "good"--it can be fun. Having fun is an end in itself.

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