Thursday, October 1, 2020

Thursday Thoughts

My writing class was suspended this week. We are on the Norwalk Public Library calendar even though we are meeting on Zoom. It's just as well because I didn't write much last week. I wasn't happy with my story last week. I tried for whimsical and failed. Our next assignment due next Monday is based on this photo.

I rejected my first idea and played around with a second. I think I wrote a few paragraphs on Wednesday, then finished a first draft on Monday. I like this story much better than last week's.

I'm halfway done with my collage/mixed media class. I'm really enjoying it. As I said before, I'm the least trained and experienced artist in the class, but I am learning new techniques, getting new ideas, and having fun. I used acrylic paint for the first time; it's nothing earth-shaking, but it is new for me.

I like (most of) the pieces I've worked on, and the instructor is encouraging and praising me. This week I painted an old cigar box I've had for years with cerulean blue--I need to paint one more side and the bottom to complete the paint job.  I'll look through clippings, photos, etc. to try to figure out my next steps.

Last night was the last session of the suffrage series. Overall, I'm disappointed. The first session was excellent. In the second, the speaker (same as the first) wasn't as focused. The third sessions featured two guest speakers who personally knew suffragist Alice Paul (who had been a Ridgefield resident at one time.) Both were interesting, The first had limited knowledge of Alice--she had met her as a 16-year old. The second speaker had more information but kept repeating the same things over and over. The last session was a discussion. It was supposed to be about the movie, Iron Jawed Angels, but that is currently only available on HBO Max. Instead the discussion was about various prejudices some of the participants faced as women. Again, it was interesting, but unfocused. Still worthwhile. 

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