Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Sandy Hook Massacre

I don't think that I have anything new or profound to add about this tragedy. But it's something that happened relatively close to home so I need to write about it.

It's sad to say that I wasn't surprised to hear about another school shooting. But I was surprised that it happened in Newtown and that it was at an elementary school.

I've been trying to remember a school shooting haiku that I heard at a writers retreat. Here is the author Cliff Bleidner but not that haiku.

The story is still evolving (I've avoided most news today so I may have missed some developments.) Originally, I assumed the shooter's goal was to kill his mother and the children were collateral damage (a horrible term I know.) But that wasn't the case at all. The shooter's mother was  already dead before he headed to the school.

CNN has a timeline of school violence dating back to 1927. Guns weren't used in all the instances, but in many of them. We need to do something about guns.

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