Friday, December 14, 2012

What Do I Do For Me?

Wednesday night or actually Thursday morning to be precise, when I turned out the lights at 1AM, I asked myself the title question of this post. I don't know where it came from. It wasn't something that I was consciously thinking about.

Here are a few things that come to mind:

I don't always enjoy the process, but I feel good after exercise. Hiking is fun; it can also be sociable if I go with Jeff and Spike. I like swimming and yoga. But now, I work out mostly at a gym; it's the most economical choice. I like to lift weights; aerobics isn't as interesting to me, but I use that time to read. And I feel good after working out.
Sometimes writing is difficult, and like exercise, I don't always enjoy the process. But it makes me feel good, satisfied when I write. I like this blog because it's a permanent storehouse of my thoughts and ideas that's easy to access. I journal almost every day; most of it is drivel but it centers me and occasionally, I get a good thought or profound statement. My other writing--well, it's harder to describe. I usually get a good response when I share my writing (though occasionally people read things into my writing that I didn't intend.) I rarely submit my writing; I'm not looking for acclaim. It's some other need that I can't explain.

Artist Dates:
I'm using Julia Cameron's term artist dates. The Artist Date is designed to feed creative work by replenishing the inner well of images and inspiration. I can't precisely contribute any of my work to a specific artist date. But I've had some wonderful experiences and having an Artist Date as a to-do has led me to go places and do things I might not have done: a Haitian art gallery, a Jackson Pollock exhibit, a reading of a new play.

These are examples of what I do for me. I need to do more.

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