Thursday, January 9, 2014

Veronica Mars Re-Watch: Season Two Episode Five

Blast from the Past

Wallace confronts his mother about his bio-dad. She claims he used drugs when working as an undercover cop. I loved the scene when Wallace sings "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" to bio-dad. But dad had tried to contact him. Wallace is devastated by his mother's lies and cover up.

Jackie visits a psychic and discovers that someone stole her credit card and maxed it out. She turns to Veronica for help. They suspect the psychic stole the card. The psychic hosts a local public access TV show. Veronica plans to go on the show to expose her. But Jackie has set Veronica up and embarrasses her.

In the sheriff's candidate debate, Lamb surprises Keith with the news that Keith had let the school bus driver off with a warning during a DUI stop several years earlier. Because so many people still blame Driver Ed for the crash, Keith loses his lead in the race.

Veronica plants a bug in Lamb's office and discovers he's blackmailing Terence Cook, Jackie's dad. Cook has some kind of gambling problem.

Veronica also hears a phone message of another student's. It's a call from her friend on the bus--moments before the crash, there was an explosion.

Wallace fights with Veronica about taking revenge on Jackie. He doesn't believe Jackie set Veronica up on the psychic TV show. When he learns the truth, Wallace dumps Jackie as his date to the Homecoming dance. At the dance, Veronica confronts Jackie when she sees Jackie with Logan. Wallace leaves in disgust.

This episode is all over the place. We get information on the bus crash mystery. Keith loses the election. He might have won if he had released the recording of the phone call, but refuses to compromise the bus crash investigation. Terence Cook is looking suspicious. Jackie continues to be a jealous bitch.

Then, there are some over-the-top reactions in this episode. Veronica almost plays the recording of Cook at the dance to get back at Jackie. Wallace not only leaves the dance but leaves town with bio-dad.

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