Monday, May 13, 2024

A Good Start

I woke this morning around 6:30, feeling pretty well-rested. 

I went to the gym and included cardio for the first time in a month.  

I ran three errands, changed the bed, and sorted the laundry. 

I took Jace on three walks. 

It's not a red-letter day by any means, but it's not the day of a lethargic person in a deep funk.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Week That Was

I started this post on Thursday but didn't get very far. I was supposed to return to it Friday and then Saturday.

Now, it's Sunday: let's see how I do. 

It's been a long week. I've been in a funk--off and on--for about a month. This week has definitely been an on funk week. I feel inept. I can seem to get things done like cleaning. It's not like I have a kitchen sink full of dirty dishes, but I've done minimum cleaning. I guess I just don't care enough.  

Jace and I have been doing a lot of walking this week because we had some nice weather. Walking's been my main source of exercise recently, though I did go to the gym twice this week. My right leg has been aching, but luckily walking doesn't bother it usually. 

Today is Mother's Day. As a dog mom, I got a t-shirt and card from Jace. We're having sushi for dinner, so I don't have to cook. Today I'm giving myself off from chores and cleaning. They will still be here tomorrow. 

Jace and his Hedgehog


I just found this photo in my list of drafts and wanted to share it--better late than never. This is the toy that Jace brought with him when he came to love with us. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Cinco de Mayo, Lola, Rabbits, and Traffic

Today is Cinco de Mayo, but it feels more like Cinco de Marzo. It's cold with a high of 52 degrees, overcast or rainy. I had to break out my gloves again. We'll celebrate Cinco de Mayo indoors. I made sure to use our Cinco de Mayo beagle towel today. 

May 5 is also Lola's designated birthday. We selected it because it was Spike's half-way day (explanation here.) We've had a lot of Lola's days recently. We still miss her. 

On Thursday, Jace and I saw our first rabbit of the season on our morning walk. Yesterday, we saw our second. This rabbit didn't react to Jace, just sat there. I urged it run away and it did. Eventually. 

There was a horrible three-vehicle fiery accident on Thursday that took out all the lanes of I-95; all vehicles had to leave the highway and most ended up on Route 1. That was also the day I finally returned to the gym on Route 1. Needless to say, the traffic was horrendous. Luckily, the highway has been reopened. Unfortunately, the fire seriously damaged the Fairfield Avenue Bridge, and it was demolished over the weekend. It will take about a year to rebuild, so we'll continue to have traffic issues. Walking with Jace on Saturday, I was surprised at how much traffic I saw on side, side roads. It shouldn't be as bad as it was on Saturday, but we'll have to deal with detours and additional traffic for awhile. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Welcome May!

May is my second favorite month after September. It's my birthday month, the month when the nice spring weather takes hold, the month when school years or semesters are almost over, and the month when lilacs and lilies of the valley bloom.

I was writing in my journal last night about seeing May as new beginning, another new year. Well, so far, I'm not off to a stellar beginning. I did dress to return to the gym, but was moving slowly this morning, and generally felt off. So, I blew off the gym again, quoting Scarlett O'Hara, "Tomorrow is another day." At least Jace got me out walking. I also exercised today--mostly stretching and balance work. 

Tomorrow looks like a beautiful day. I need to take advantage.