Sunday, December 8, 2019

November Review: Hits and Misses

Here's a mini month-in-review post.

Since I started prioritizing my gym visits in October, I went to the gym at least three times a week...until Thanksgiving week. I was literally on my way to the gym on Sunday (technically December 1st) to complete my third visit that week, when I saw a weird symbol flashing on my dashboard. I pulled into a parking lot and consulted my manual. The symbol warned me that I had a foreign object in a tire, and I shouldn't drive. One of the few legit reasons to not go to the gym.

I wrote a blog post every day in November. I had considered nanowrimo; instead I committed to nablopomo. In hindsight, I don't think this was a particularly well-thought out goal. There were days I struggled to think about something to blog about, and the time spent blogging could have been better used for other writing.

That was my big failure: I didn't write 500 words a day, in addition to whatever blogging I did. I only wrote and/or edited about 2,300 words. Also, having a goal or blogging daily in November made it too easy to stop blogging once December rolled around.

I need to re-focus.

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