Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Blogger's Block

I haven't been posting lately--I barely managed 47 words for Anne Boleyn and that was 19 days ago. 

I decided I must have blogger's block. I've never heard the term, but I was sure someone else had coined it. A quick search found this article.

That got me thinking about regular writer's block. I'm suffering from that too. 

I'm retired--I have the time to write. I have ideas. So, what's the matter with me? An obvious response is that I'm not writing because I'm not taking a spring writing course. 

I've been taking writing classes given by the Norwalk Library since the fall of 2018. The spring session is a ten-week course. Presumably, I would have written ten stories in the class. But one reason I didn't take the class was I wanted to write something other than short stories responding to prompts. 

Unfortunately, I haven't written much of anything--only a little journaling.

It's not enough. Not for someone who claims she is a writer. Not writing makes me doubt myself. I can come up with excuses such as I'm busy with other things, I run out of time by the end of the day, etc.  But, they're only excuses and not legitimate reasons. 

I've found myself letting other things slide too--like housework. 

I decided I had to start somewhere. First, I did some easy things I'd been meaning to do. I ordered some summer clothes, wrote a recommendation for a dog walker/sitter, and wrote a sympathy note.  I worked on this blogpost (I had started it about a week ago.) Today, I sat down to write and finished it. 

Small steps.

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