Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thankful Thursday Thoughts

In keeping with my attempt to be positive, and borrowing from the Frugal Girl, I'm going to list things that make me thankful.

  • After horrible flooding rains on Sunday, the weather has been great--sunny and cool. I've been wearing jackets in the morning. It's refreshing.
  • On my morning walk with Jace, I saw a deer today running across the field at Mathews Park. It was beautiful and made me happy.
  • The doctor figured out what was wrong with me from my colonoscopy. We have an appointment to discuss treatment.  
  • I've enjoyed the last two Sara Paretsky mysteries I borrowed from the library.
  • It was Bette Davis Day on TCM: 24 hours of Bette's movies. 
  • The Mets had a second walk off homer against the Orioles yesterday and won the series. LGM.

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