Saturday, November 9, 2019

Strange Dreams

I've experienced weird dreams the past three nights.

Dreams are ephemeral: I don't even remember my dream on Wednesday night. Thursday's dream involved some sort of home invasion. A couple was detained in a soft-sided cage suspended from the ceiling.

Last night's dream was the most vivid. I was at some kind of work getaway--conference--like ones I used to attend. I was walking down a street and saw a vendor selling parody maps of Connecticut towns and cities. The vendor was someone I knew, but I don't remember who. He didn't have a map of Norwalk.

I want back to another store at the beginning of the street  It sold jewelry and polished stones and shells. The door was open, but no one was there. I put on a bunch of the rings and a pair of earrings and filled my pocketbook with stones, etc. I don't remember what I was thinking.

The owner returned and we talked for awhile. Suddenly she realized some of her stock was missing. I emptied out my pocketbook. A few employees suddenly appeared and tallied up what I had. It covered the counters (don't know how it fit in my handbag.)

The cost for these items was $500 plus. (In reality, pretty good since I had so many items including an emerald and a ruby ring.) I couldn't afford that. So I went along the counters and indicated what I didn't want, and an employee took that off my total. The earrings were the most expensive. Of course, they were what I wanted the most. Ultimately, I gave them up.

I got the total down by about half. I apologized for making more work for the employees because they would have to put all the merchandise back in the display cases. I didn't apologize for attempted theft because I didn't think of myself as a thief.

There was a discussion about a one percent surcharge because I lived in Norwalk. When the employee learned I was from New York City area, she said she would have charged me more.

I checked the time and said I would miss dinner. An employee said she would miss dinner too.

I tried to call Elaine who was at the conference to tell her I would be late.

I couldn't get my phone to work. There I was: back to my standard frustration dream. The other two dreams also ended with some version of the frustration and futility.

I don't remember ever succeeding in these dreams.

Just reread this article that I linked to in a previous post. I  don't consciously feel a sense of relief after my frustration dreams. It's more like--oh, here we go ago. I take comfort that others have the same kind of dreams.

I'd rather return to the dreams in which I can fly.

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