Writing: I had a modest goal--write 500 words two days a week. It's pitiful that I didn't do it. Now I did take writing classes. Originally my flash fiction class was supposed to start in person in mid-March. Instead we started a Zoom class in April. That class ran to mid-June. We started another on July 6 and this class ran until August 17. The last class of the year ran from mid September through November 30. Our classes were on Mondays and we missed several Monday holidays over the year. I'm happy with my work in these classes (for the most part) but most of my work was short pieces--the longest was 867 words. I can't let class assignments keep me from other writing.
I participated in other Zoom writing classes/seminars: CrimeConn, memoir, and how to keep writing over the holidays.
I also wanted to read and write more poetry and return to the poetry group. I wrote four poems this year. I started reading Leaves of Grass but haven't picked it up in at least a month. I am getting a Poem of the Day email. That's a start. I have not returned to the poetry group.
I had vague goals concerning health. I went to the gynecologist and the eye doctor, got a mammogram and bone density test, got flu, pneumonia, and shingles shots.
Finance and legal goals were also vague. I am working on these slowly. My mother's estate is still hanging over my head. Thanks IRS--we're waiting for a refund from 2017.
I said I wanted to do more "arty" things. I succeeded in this goal, despite the lack of opportunities to go to art shows. I took two in-person socially distant collage and mixed media classes September through December. It was a lot of fun, the instructor was encouraging, and I'm wondering if maybe it's possible that I am an artist. I visited the Vida Americana exhibit in NYC. Sono also held an art gallery walk from October through December.
Cleaning/organizing: Covid-19 made a big impact in this category. I never disinfected so much; I even became a bit of a disinfecting wipe hoarder.
Covid-19 also wiped out our travel plans to explore new areas to research for a potential move. I doubt we do any traveling for months (at least.)