Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Two Weeks Plus

It's been over two weeks since my last post on May 13. I thought things were beginning to turn around then. By Wednesday night (the 15th) I had already done the weekly shopping and laundry, gone to the gym, taken care of the birds, reviewed documents for and attended a condominium owners meeting. 

Jace and I were on a Thursday morning walk when a large, unleased puppy ran over to us.This was our third encounter.The puppy would usually run around ignoring his human as he called after him. This time, he knocked Jace over, jamming my middle and ring fingers in the leash that I was holding. 

One of the first things I did when I got home was to take off my wedding ring. I remember my mother hurt her hand and they had to cut the ring off in the ER. As for me, I decided not to go to the ER. My first thought was the money (Yes, I have insurance, but...) An urgent care center? I figured my fingers didn't hurt enough to be broken. What could they do?

I consulted Dr. Google. After a few searches, I found a treatment for jammed fingers using RICE--rest, ice, compression, elevation. I used a wrap in our freezer--probably for wrists and/or ankles--and wove it around my fingers. Later I taped my fingers together. 

Luckily, this happened to my left hand--I'm righthanded. My middle finger bore the brunt of the bruising and swelling, but my ring finger was also hurt. By Thursday, I could do most things that I needed to----but I had to adjust how I do myriad things--tying my shoes, opening the car door, sorting laundry, opening cans, carrying plates, lifting things. 

I still can't make a proper fist, but each day my fingers get better. This nagging injury made me realize how lucky and thankful I am for my good health. I won't take that for granted. 

I was determined to finish this post this morning. This was my third attempt. I have other things I want to write about, books, book sales, my birthday dinner. 

It's also a good day to pick up some free weights and see if I can properly grasp them.

I'm back.

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