Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Down the Shore Part Two

Note: I continue in my general writing malaise. I actually started this post on Sunday. Each day, I planned to finish, but I never seemed to get around to it. I realize I've been procrastinating about writing about our Sea Isle City visit. Everything was overshadowed by Jace's massive case of diarrhea across the hallway and two bedrooms. This happened sometime late night Thursday or early morning Friday. I spent hours cleaning up literal shit. This was in addition to be feeling generally lousy all day Thursday. We were afraid to leave Jace alone in the house after that.

Things started out well on Wednesday. We left Seaside Park and drove about an hour-and-a-quarter to Sea Isle City and the home of my cousin Elena and her husband Tom. They were there when we arrived, which was a surprise. Tom and a friend left after lunch; Elena stayed overnight, and she, Jeff, and I went out to dinner. 

I did get to the beach Friday afternoon. One day, we went for a drive, and I did a little shopping. I did a lot of reading and relaxed as best I could with the dark diarrhea cloud over me. 

More to follow.

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