Tuesday, July 16, 2024

New Frustration Dream

I haven't had a frustration dream in about five months until last night. I went to Bill's home--a sprawling building. There was a couple there; Bill gave the woman and me a small basket with an upside-down plastic bottle. I leave to go home to walk my dog, and deliberately leave the basket behind.

Unfortunately, I can't leave because I can't find my car. In a parking lot, I see several cars are flooded. I also see three bars that I didn't see as I arrived. I see several people, but no one is willing to help me. Instead, one woman told me I shouldn't visit Bill by myself. Others ask me for donations. One man had a small gold pin because he made a substantial donation to Bill (now called Tom Sale.)

I check my watch, and it's later than I thought. I think about calling Jeff, but get distracted. I wake before I find the car. 

Before the dream, I found myself lying awake thinking about all the chores I need to do--especially long term chores e.g. purging old paperwork and de-cluttering. I guess those thoughts triggered this dream. 

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