Monday, July 29, 2024

Writer's Workshop

On Friday I attended a writer's workshop--Visually Compelling Storytelling with Ann Lineberger--at the Norwalk Library. 

The workshop was okay, but I really liked getting back to an in-person event at the library. Before Covid, I was going to history programs with light lunches on topics such as the wives of Henry VIII and Romanov empresses in Russia. My writing classes also began in-person before switching to Zoom. 

Before the workshop, I picked up the last two Preston & Child Pendergast books--Bloodless and The Cabinet of Dr. Leng--to re-read before I read the latest book, Angel of Vengeance--to be published August 13. 

It was also nice to see two people from my writing classes in attendance. One man is planning to self-publish a book. He wore silver--gray nail polish, and I kept thinking of Tom Sandoval. (Ugh.) The other person was Anne. We talked for a few minutes after class and plan to get together for coffee. 

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