Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Climate Warp

Two weeks ago today, Sandy blew into town literally (one of the few times I can use "literally" literally.) We were better prepared than we had been for any previous storm and emerged virtually unscathed.

A little over a week later we were hit with a Nor-easter; we got about four inches of snow. Other parts of Connecticut got up to a foot.

Then there was today: partly cloudy in the mid-sixties (even nicer than yesterday's weather.) We spent an hour at the dog park. Walking around we saw remnants of Sandy; large fence posts that were uprooted and deposited in the middle of the field and branches strewn around the park. Many people in New York and New Jersey are still without power, continuing to struggle through destruction and devastation.

As much as I appreciate a day like today, I wonder about it. We've seen too many 50- or 100-year storms in the past few years. The way Sandy turned back inland after heading out to the Atlantic was unprecedented.

The world's climate is broken.

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