Saturday, November 24, 2012


Because I've been so bad with my writing goals for 2012 (I didn't even make SMART writing goals) I made a goal of 10,000 words (excluding blogging) for November. It's the 24th and my word count is 667. Oddly enough, that's 1,000 words less than the daily NANO total.

Theoretically, I can make my goal of 10,000 words. Excluding today, I can make the goal by producing 1,555.5 words a day for the rest of the month. Since I won NANO before, I can easily pull that off. I also have the advantage of not limiting myself to one piece. I wrote a bit on Jersey Shore memories and started some sort of story about a woman returning to her home town for Thanksgiving and a family wedding. I wrote a twist that surprised me--I never saw it coming.

If I keep on writing, I may really surprise myself.

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