Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A Discouraging Word

I get two emails every day with vocabulary words: one from Dictionary.com and one from Wordsmith.org. It started because the SAT had so many vocabulary questions. Actually Wordsmith.org didn't have the best SAT words, but it was still fun anyway to get those daily messages.

Yesterday's Dictionary.com entree was logophobia--an obsessive fear of words. As someone who loves words--this is both inexplicable and frightening to me.

Today is the first day of nanowrimo and nablopomo, National Novel Writing Month and National Blog Posting month respectively.

I briefly considered nanowrimo, but rejected it. I've barely been writing lately--50,000 words was just too much. Can I have an obsessive fear of putting words together? I hope not; I hope it's just a dry spell.

Four of the past six years I've managed more than 30 posts in November.

This is doable; let's go.

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