Monday, November 14, 2016

Planning to Plan

I've been reading and thinking a lot about planning and to-do lists.

I had good intentions and vague plans last week. I did what I had to, but got sidetracked by helping out a friend who needed a ride (a good sidetrack) and my despair about the election results (a bad sidetrack that may linger for a long time.) Before I knew it, it was Friday and we had plans to visit Jeff's parents, and plans to go a UVM game on Saturday. The week was (practically) gone.

I need to be a bit more pro-active in my planning. But I also have to recognize that shit happens. Sometimes literally like today. Usually, it's a case of one project taking me longer than expected.

Today's plans--the unfinished to-do's--will roll over into tomorrow--pushing off tomorrow's plans.

And so it goes.

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