Sunday, November 20, 2016

Weekly Hits and Misses

I was pretty pleased with my accomplishments this week.

I went to the gym four times this week (only the second time this year.) I exercised here twice for 45 minutes each time. Yesterday we went for 1.25 hour hike and I stretched afterwards. My goal is to exercise at least a half hour each day. I know I can't keep that up, but at least I can try.

I'm doing well with Nablopomo. I've written 23 posts in November, at least one each day. Before I started, I read about it on Blogher and put the badge on my blog yesterday. I also added Coll-ection to the nablopomo blogroll.

I completed all the household projects I assigned to myself.

Now the misses.

I should have done more. I have a lot of free time; I know I can do more.

I got off to a bad start on Monday, mostly by underestimating how long things take.

I never made a list. I worked from a mental list, but I can't keep track of everything. A few things fell by the wayside: emailing some friends and colleagues, sending a Thanksgiving card.

I didn't do much of anything yesterday--a wasted day.

Overall, a good week that I hope is the beginning of better time management. 

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