Sunday, June 2, 2024

Book Seven: Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

Voyager is the third book in the Outlander series of nine published novels with one more planned. It corresponds to the third season of the TV showClaire's husband Frank dies in the 1960s and Claire learns that her husband Jamie survived the battle of Culloden in 1746 and lived as a printer named Alexander Malcolm in Edinburgh. She decides to rejoin him in the past. 

I read this book at a faster pace than I read The Blind Assassin. For one thing, Gabaldon is a great storyteller, but not as gifted a writer as Atwood. For another, since Jeff and I watch Outlander, I was familiar with the story. For the most part, the show followed the book. I appreciated what the show left out especially Claire being sliced up by a pirate, a murder at the governor's reception, and a serial killer. 

I also preferred the way the show handled the Margaret Campbell and Yi Tien Cho aka Mr. Willoughby storylines; they got a happy ending.

I have a few quibbles: I got tired of Jamie and Claire's sex scenes, especially Claire's rapturous descriptions of Jamie's red hair. Just too much.

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