Monday, September 16, 2024

Off to a Stellar Start--Not

On weekends, I often think about the things I will do when the week starts again on Monday. Honestly, a large part of this is procrastination, but there's also a feeling of optimism--next week will be the time I get it together--writing, working out, cleaning--whatever. 

Even though I had just told Jace, I have to start getting up earlier, I stayed in bed for an extra half hour this morning. Then I remembered Jeff has an appointment with a new acupuncturist--part of his neurologist's practice. Also, I went into the kitchen and remembered that while I had loaded the dishwasher, I had left pans, the cutting board, and knives to clean. I hate to do the night's dinner dishes the next morning. Oh well. It took me most of the day to catch up  Between chores and errands, I still haven't put away all the laundry on the drying rack since Friday. One errand was to take Jace to Taylor Farm; it wasn't necessary, but I felt he deserved it. 

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary. I will care for the birds at New Canaan Nature Center as I usually do on Tuesday, but we won't worry about cleaning and chores tomorrow. I do need to pick up a few things for Jeff's gift, and I'll pick up a dessert to have at home.

As I'm writing this, the Mets have beat the Nationals 2-1 in 10 innings. The Braves are losing badly (0-9) to the Dodgers in the ninth, so the Mets will be in line for the third wild card. I'm glad the Mets have a better start to the week than I did. 


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